Soulver is everywhere you need it


We offer a 'bc-like' command-line interface to Soulver so you can use it via the macOS Terminal.

Install via Homebrew:
"$ brew install soulver-cli"

More details on GitHub

Siri Shortcuts

Evaluate expressions within  workflows using the "Calculate with Soulver" action, on both Mac & iOS. 

Anywhere in macOS

Select text in any app on your Mac, control-click and choose 
Services > Calculate with Soulver.

Your selected expression will be evaluated, and replaced with the result (or it can be appended, or copied to your clipboard, depending on your selection).

Alfred app
Alfred Workflow

Perform calculations with Soulver from Alfred - a popular Mac Spotlight alternative.

Soulver's calculation engine is much more powerful and flexible than the default calculator in Alfred.

Download the Alfred workflow here.

Then evaluate an expression with "u":

- "u 3 days from now"
- "u 100 EUR in JPY"
- "u 35 is what % on 25"

Web services offered in Soulver

Live & Historical Currency rates
Live & historical currency conversions

Soulver includes live rates for 190 currencies, including 20 popular crypto currencies, and a few common commodities.

See the list of supported currencies here.

You can also perform historical currency conversions, for instance: "120 EUR in CAD on March 20, 2015"

Historical currency rates are available for real-world currencies (back to 1999), and also for Bitcoin (back to 2013). 

Live Weather
Live weather data
(by  Weather)

Type, for example, "weather in Paris" for a description of current weather conditions there.

Other metrics include "temperature in (place)", "feels like in (place)", "high/low in (place)".

Weather data is provided by  Weather.

Soulver Studio
Soulver Studio:
turns sheets into Mac apps

Build stand-alone & shareable Mac apps from your Soulver sheets.

This is a free service.

More details here.

Live Stocks, Advanced Weather, Inline ChatGPT
Advanced data services + Inline AI

To keep Soulver a one-time purchase, we've made costly-to-provide data services available as an optional subscription for those who need them.

A single $26/year subscription in the App Store versions of Soulver (across all platforms)  provides:

  • Live & Historical stock data (150k tickers & indices across 70 stock exchanges with a 20 minute delay)

  • Advanced weather metrics (20+ metrics)

  • Inline ChatGPT queries (for example, type "population of canada = ?" and an answer from OpenAI will be inserted for you).

Extra data services are complementary for Setapp users (across all platforms)

Tools for software developers

Building a Swift app for Apple platforms?

Add a natural language calculator or date entry feature to it…

with SoulverCore (an xcframework)

SoulverCore is easy to integrate into your app:

  1. Add SoulverCore to your project via the Swift Package Manager

  2. Import it into a file with `import SoulverCore`

  3. Create a Calculator: `let calculator = Calculator(customization: .standard)`

  4. Evaluate an expression with it: `let result = calculator.calculate("45 kilograms in pounds")`

Soulver requires macOS 12 or iOS/iPadOS 16 or later • 30-day no-commitment trial • not tested on animals

Copyright © 2005-2024,  Acqualia Software OÜ
All rights reserved