What can Soulver do?

Instant Answers

Instant answers

Soulver instantly evaluates any math it finds in your text and displays it in parallel on the right. Naturally, as your expressions change, so do the answers.

Text and math together

Text + math together 

Mix plain text and calculations in the way that makes the most sense for you. Use labels (:) and comments (//) for any text you do not want evaluated by Soulver.

Totals and sub-totals

Quick totals

Paste in multiple lines of text with numbers and get an immediate total in the bottom right. You can also get a subtotal for range of lines by making the line after them a subtotal. 

Line references

References tokens

Reference previous lines' answers. Any dependent lines are automatically updated when needed.

Help working things out

Unit converter

Unit converter

Soulver supports a whole range of useful units across space & time, mass volume, temperature, computer storage, & CSS, like:

10 inches in cm
450 km in miles
160 pounds in kg

Dates, Times & Calendar math

Calendar calculations

Soulver helps you do calculations with dates and times, like:

Today + 3 weeks 2 days
3:35 am + 9 hours 20 minutes
From March 12 to July 30



Percentages are expressed elegantly in Soulver with natural functions, like:

30 + 20%    (36)
40 as a % of 50    (80%)
20 is what % of 50    (40%)

Proportions calculator


Soulver has natural functions for proportions, like:

3 is to 6 as what is to 10?    (5)
5 is to 20 as 10 is to what?    (40) 

Currencies and crypto currencies

Currencies & stocks

Soulver supports live & historical conversions of 168 real-world currencies. Soulver also supports Bitcoin and 20 other popular cryptocurrencies.

SI notation

SI notation

Soulver uses SI notation for large and small numbers. You can also use them in expressions, like:
100k (100 thousand)
20M (20 million)
3G (3 billion)


Multi-word variables

You can declare a variable using the equals sign:

monthly rent = $1,250 

Press escape to autocomplete long variables, and shift-hover over a variable to see its value.

Time zone conversions

Time zone conversions

Convert between time zones, find differences in time, and current times at popular locations around the world

Editing & styling

Number formatting

Number formatting

Spaces and thousand separators are automatically inserted for you when required. This keeps your numbers easy to read, and your work looking nice.

Syntax coloring

Custom text colors

Soulver automatically syntax colors numbers, units & variables. You can choose your preferred colors in the preferences.

Markdown text styles

Multiple text styles

Soulver supports three text styles for lines: plain text (the default), headings (#) and comments //. You can also make labels (:).


Number scrubbing

Control-click on a number and choose "Scrub" to show a scrubber. Experiment around until you get the answer you expect.


Sheet management


Like Notes, Soulver manages all your sheets. Make your own folders for an extra level of organisation. Double-click a sheet in the sidebar to open it in a new window.

Markdown headings

Markdown headings

Within a sheet/page, use markdown headings (#) to create natural sections. Subtotals will only calculate back to the last heading.

macOS integration

Dark mode

Dark mode

Soulver looks great in light or dark mode. By default Soulver matches your system appearance, but you can customize Soulver's look manually from the settings.

Spotlight indexing

Spotlight support

The contents of your Soulver sheets are indexed by Spotlight. A Quicklook preview of your Soulver files is also available in Finder. You can also use Spotlight to search your sheets from inside Soulver.


Shortcuts Action

Evaluate any mathematical expression from your workflows using the 'Calculate with Soulver' action (macOS 12+).
The full range of Soulver's capabilties are available in actions.

Command line interface

Command-line tool

Soulver ships with a command line tool in its bundle and a menu item to install an alias at /usr/local/bin/. You can then use Soulver from the Terminal app. You can also pipe multiple lines of text into Soulver, and these can include variables.

macOS integration

Perfect macOS citizen

Soulver supports all the standard behaviours you'd expect from a great AppKit app including Full Screen, Quick look, Resume, & Touch Bar support.

Alfred workflow

Alfred workflow

Soulver comes with a workflow for the popular productivity app Alfred. The full range of Soulver's math capabilities are accessible via Alfred.

URL schemes

URL schemes

Soulver includes a set of URL schemes that can be used to create new sheets, or add content to an existing sheet.

system services

System services

Soulver comes with services to evaluate text anywhere. Simply control-click on some text and choose "Evaluate with Soulver". The result can be placed on the clipboard, or inserted into the field you are evaluating from.


Multiple number formats


Soulver supports many different number formats. Your system region will be used by default, but you can customize this. Imported files will be converted to your preferred locale for you.

CSV, PDF, HTML export


Export your sheets into csv, plain text, pdf, html or Soulver files (slvr), which are Quicklookable in Finder


Customize everything

Soulver lets you customize its calculator with new units, time zones, global variables and more.

Import Soulver 2

Import soulver 2 files

Drop your Soulver 2 files onto the Soulver 3 dock icon, or choose File > Open, click "Show Options" and tick "Import to Sheetbook". 

Soulver requires macOS 12 or iOS/iPadOS 16 or later • 30-day no-commitment trial • not tested on animals

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